Green Streets Informational Meeting – March 13

In order to better understand the coming “Green Streets” projects, the Sligo Woods Civic Association is co-sponsoring a Sunday afternoon gathering with project staff from the County’s Department of Environmental Protection.  This will be an informal, outdoor event, walking some of the streets where project locations are under consideration.

Sunday, March 13th
Tenbrook Drive at Robin Road
(top of the kids’ sledding hill)

DEP project manager, Mr Ryan Gardiner, says: “There will be no new information presented [beyond the presentation and maps from the November public meeting], but there will be an opportunity to discuss some specific locations, as well as to ask and answer questions.”

Everyone in the neighborhood is welcome to attend and participate.

Questions?  Call Ryan Gardiner at (301) 479-1265 or contact Laura Mol of the Environment Committee of the Civic Association at (301) 681-9686 or LauraMolMail |at|gmail |dot|com.  More information about “Green Streets” is on the Civic Association’s post.

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