2020 Winter Holiday Decorating Contest

Thank you to the many Sligo Woods households who brightened up 2020 with holiday lights.  And congratulations to winners.  This year it was especially hard to choose–so many wonderful lights and decorations!  In fact, the judges made the decision to round up some of the award-winner yard-signs from earlier years so that we could increase the number of winners for this year.  After all, it is 2020!
Special thanks to our judges, who had to drive on slippery roads, walk on icy sidewalks to read house numbers, and brave the cold.  And a shout-out again this year to Justin Way’s Mary Moore, who organized this popular event for our neighborhood.

Best Nighttime (tie) – Gabel

Best daytime (tie) -Laredo (here the night-view)

Best Daytime (tie) – Dryden

Best Overall (tie) – Kerwin

Honorable mention – Snure

Honorable Mention – Dennis

Honorable Mention – Calumet

Best Theme – Procter

Best Nighttime (tie) -Tenbrook

Best Overall (tie) – Gable Ct

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