Halloween Decorating Contest

The leaves are falling, pumpkins are out, and neighbors are decorating for Halloween! Please join in a friendly decorating competition and help transform Sligo Woods into a delightfully decorated community!

Please have your decorations up by Sunday, 10/20

Winners will be announced by 10/30

You can win in the following categories:

  • Best Overall
  • Best Theme
  • Best Daytime
  • Best Nighttime
  • Honorable Mention
  • Best Block

The rules are the same as in previous years:

  1. Open to Sligo Woods residents only, judges excluded.
  2.  Address numbers must be visible from the street day and night.
  3. Each home can only win in one category.
  4. Homes can’t win two years in a row in the same category

Winners receive a certificate and recognition in our member email and website. Winners will be given information with their certificate to have a sign posted in their yard.

Please email Colleen Kim (colleensbenoit@gmail.com, chair of the contest) if you would like to participate as a judge or to nominate a home!

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Save the date for the Annual Sligo Woods Halloween Parade and Party!

Save the date for the Annual Sligo Woods Halloween Parade and Party! When: Sunday October 27 at 4pm Where: Meet in costume at the pedestrian entrance to Sligo Creek Pkwy at Tenbrook Dr and Whitehall St by 3:45 pm. We will parade down the (closed to auto traffic) parkway to Sligo-Dennis Park for a community party Who: All Sligo Woods residents! Spread the word to your neighbors! Sign up to help supply treats or support here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080545A8AC2CABFD0-51468538-sligo


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Sligo Woods Community Yard Sale Tomorrow!

The Sligo Woods Community Yard Sale will be Saturday, September 28 from 8:00am to 1:00pm (rain date September 29).  Over 25 families are participating in our walkable neighborhood north of Dennis Avenue, west of University Boulevard, and east of Sligo Creek Parkway. You don’t want to miss it! For GPS directions, use 701 Justin Way. For a map of participating houses click here or scan the QR code.
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Sligo Woods Community Yard Sale, 9/28/24

The Sligo Woods Community Yard Sale will take place on Saturday, September 28, (rain date Sept.29). Join your neighbors and clear out those basements, attics, and storage areas! Our young entrepreneurs can also have a lemonade or bake sale. Email sligowoods@gmail.com if you would like to participate or help our chair Sangita organize the event. More details and participant maps will be posted closer to the event. Hope you can participate!

La venta de garaje comunitaria de Sligo Woods se llevará a cabo el sábado 28 de septiembre (fecha de lluvia el 29 de septiembre). ¡Únete a tus vecinos y limpia esos sótanos, áticos y áreas de almacenamiento! Nuestros jóvenes emprendedores también podrán tener una venta de limonada o pasteles. Envíe un correo electrónico a sligowoods@gmail.com si desea participar o ayudar a nuestra presidenta Sangita a organizar el evento. Se publicarán más detalles y mapas de los participantes cuando se acerque el evento. ¡Espero que puedas participar!

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Sligo Woods Civic Association Listserv Posting Guidelines/Pautas de publicación en el servidor de listas de la Asociación Cívica de Sligo Woods

One of the benefits of our Sligo Woods neighborhood is our active Sligo Woods email listserv. Our community listserv is intended to be a way to communicate with neighbors in a respectful manner that improves the quality of life of all residents. There are a few guidelines neighbors can abide by when posting to make sure posts remain positive and productive:

  1. No political endorsements, political campaign postings, or party politics. (Healthy debate about local bureaucratic issues/decisions, or awareness campaigns run by non-profits are ok)
  2. Naming or referencing specific people or houses can only be done for thanks or praise, no personal attacks or comments.
  3. Identify yourself. Please sign your message with your first name.
  4. No impersonation of any person or entity;
  5. No emails involving any, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or any other form of solicitation.

Thank you for helping to keep our listserv informative and respectful!

Uno de los beneficios de nuestro vecindario de Sligo Woods es nuestro servidor de listas de correo electrónico activo de Sligo Woods. Nuestro listserv comunitario pretende ser una forma de comunicarse con los vecinos de una manera respetuosa que mejore la calidad de vida de todos los residentes. Hay algunas pautas que los vecinos pueden seguir al publicar para asegurarse de que las publicaciones sigan siendo positivas y productivas:

  1. No hay respaldos políticos, publicaciones de campañas políticas ni partidos políticos. (Están bien los debates saludables sobre cuestiones/decisiones burocráticas locales o las campañas de concientización realizadas por organizaciones sin fines de lucro)
  2. Nombrar o hacer referencia a personas o casas específicas solo se puede hacer como agradecimiento o elogio, no se permiten ataques ni comentarios personales.
  3. Identifícate. Por favor firme su mensaje con su nombre.
  4. Ninguna suplantación de ninguna persona o entidad;
  5. No se permiten correos electrónicos que incluyan “correo basura”, “spam”, “cartas en cadena”, “esquemas piramidales” o cualquier otra forma de solicitación.

¡Gracias por ayudar a mantener nuestro servidor de listas informativo y respetuoso!

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Sligo Woods Neighborhood Picnic, Aug. 24, 2024, 12:00-3:00 pm

Hello Neighbors!

We invite you to the annual Sligo Woods Neighborhood Picnic on Saturday, August 24th, from 12:00-3:00 pm (rain date Aug. 25). It will be held at the Sligo-Dennis Ave Local Park at 10200 Sligo Creek Pkwy, near the statue. Please visit the Sign-Up Genius link below to sign up to volunteer or bring a dish to share with your neighbors. The Sligo Woods Civic Association will provide the hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, and popsicles. We need help with set-up, grilling, working at the sign in table, and clean up. We would really love to have someone who can take pictures at the event as well!

Since there are only a few picnic tables in the park, please bring some folding chairs or a blanket to spread out on the grass. We are trying to reduce waste, so please bring your own reusable plates and utensils if possible. Kids can play on the playground, and bikes, frisbees, basketballs, and other outdoor games are encouraged! We hope to see you there!


Hola vecinos!

Lo invitamos al picnic anual del vecindario de Sligo Woods el sábado 24 de agosto de 12:00 a 3:00 p. m. (fecha de lluvia 25 de agosto). Se llevará a cabo en el parque local Sligo-Dennis Ave en 10200 Sligo Creek Pkwy, cerca de la estatua. Visite el enlace Sign-Up Genius a continuación para registrarse como voluntario o traer un plato para compartir con sus vecinos. La Asociación Cívica de Sligo Woods proporcionará hamburguesas, hot dogs, hamburguesas vegetarianas y paletas heladas. Necesitamos ayuda con la instalación, la parrillada, el trabajo en la mesa de registro y la limpieza. ¡Realmente nos encantaría tener a alguien que también pueda tomar fotografías en el evento!

Dado que solo hay unas pocas mesas de picnic en el parque, traiga algunas sillas plegables o una manta para extenderse sobre el césped. Estamos tratando de reducir el desperdicio, así que traiga sus propios platos y utensilios reutilizables si es posible. Los niños pueden jugar en el área de juegos y se recomiendan bicicletas, frisbees, pelotas de baloncesto y otros juegos al aire libre. ¡Esperamos verte ahí!


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New Neighborhood Sign

Have you noticed the new Sligo Woods sign at the intersection of Gabel & University?

10 years ago, when we restarted SWCA, one of the first orders of business was to fix our four signs. Jerry, from Fiesta, was the carpenter who built all 4 of those signs and Barbara was the painter. A few years ago, the sign at Gabel was hit by a car and demolished. It has been a long road to finish building and installing this sign.

It could not have happened without Romy from Calumet, David from Dryden, Glenn from Tenbrook, Leo from Tenbrook, Barbara from Calumet, Jerry from Fiesta, Anton from Gilmoure, our two neighbors on Gabel who let us use their driveways and all my friends who listened to my stories of the permitting office.

Special thanks go to our final installers! It was hot! David, Glenn, Leo and Barbara.

Here are a couple more pictures:


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Sligo Woods Neighborhood Picnic in August!

Sligo Woods Neighborhood Picnic!

Our annual Sligo Woods Neighborhood Picnic will take place on Saturday, August, 24, from 1:00-3:00 pm (rain date Aug. 25). Come join your neighbors at the Sligo-Dennis Park to enjoy burgers, hot dogs, and vegetarian options! Bring a dish to share and blanket or chair to sit on! More details will follow later in July. If you would like to volunteer for this event, please email us at sligowoods@gmail.com.

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June General Meeting Minutes

Below are the minutes for our General Meeting on June 18, 2024. Thank you to Officer Katie Beard for talking to us about crime stats for our neighborhood and answering our questions. Our next General Meeting will be on September 12, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the Sligo-Dennis Activity Building.

2024_06_18 General Meeting minutes_MM

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June General Meeting, 6/18/24, 7:00 pm

Hello Neighbors!
Our quarterly Sligo Woods Civic Association General Meeting will be this Tuesday, June 18th, at 7:00 pm in the Sligo-Dennis Activity Building in the park. Our guest speaker will be Ofc. Katie Beard, Public Information Officer for District 3 of the Montgomery County Police Department. Please let me know if there are any topics you would like Ofc. Beard to address. She will be speaking first from 7:00-7:30, then we will have our business meeting.
Please come out, meet your neighbors, learn about safety in our neighborhood, and possibly win a door prize! If you need to renew your membership, you can do so at the meeting or by visiting the Sligo Woods website and clicking on the “Donate” button.
Hope to see you there!
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