Sligo Woods Civic Association General Meeting, Mar. 14, 2024

Spring is just around the corner! The Sligo Woods Civic Association is holding its quarterly general meeting on Thursday, March 14th at 7:00 pm in the Sligo-Dennis Activity Building. We will be holding elections for Vice President, Treasurer, and Membership Secretary. For more information about each board position, click here. Please email us at if you are interested in one of our board positions. The Civic Association cannot continue to plan fun community events without a board to support our activities!

In addition, we will have a “Gardening 101” presentation by Meipo Martin of the Montgomery County Master Gardener’s Association to get you ready for spring . The talk will cover:

  • What are annuals, biennials, & perennials
  • USDA zones
  • Site assessment: sun/shade, soil type
  • How to pick a plant, plant various plants
  • Watering: how, how often, how much, when
  • Different fertilizers
  • Why weed and what different weeds indicate about the garden
  • Learn to ID poison ivy
  • Mulching: why and how to mulch, different kinds of mulch
  • What is IPM?
  • What is organic gardening?
  • What tools one really needs to start.

Hope to see you all at the next meeting!

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