The civic association’s fall program featured Mr. Devang Dave from the Traffic Engineering Department of Montgomery County. He described the County’s process for development of traffic calming and the role that a neighborhood’s civic association can play—in fact, must play, according the County regulations [MoCo Exec Regulation 1-18AM], which is designed to assure community participation and approval as a required part of the process.
Some 18 residents of the Sligo Woods neighborhood were present, and there were clarifying questions and good, informative exchanges in the question-answer opportunity that followed with Mr. Dave (“DAH-veh”). As planned, Mr. Dave was not discussing any specific plans for our neighborhood streets–which have yet to be proposed–but the focus was on the general process and how we can be engaged in it.
Quarterly programs are now held at the Sligo-Dennis Park building (10200 Sligo Creek Parkway, between playground and basketball courts), a switch from Good Shepherd Church’s building hospitality, which we enjoyed for the first several years of civic association programs/meetings.