A group of fifteen strolled up Tenbrook Drive, looking at the preponderance of streetside silver (shown here) and red maples, augmented by more tree and shrub diversity in yards. We admired a fine sycamore, with its multi-colored bark, as we turned onto the connector path heading west into Sligo Creek Park. There we saw the contrast of woodland species–Tuliptrees towering way overhead, spicebush more at eyelevel in the understory.
We talked about plans to remove the smothering porcelainberry vines from the fine, large trees bordering the Kids’ Sledding Hill (Tenbrook at Robin). That’s a winter project: when leaves have died back and there’s visibility for the careful cutting required. If interesting in learning more, contact Laura Mol < LauraMolMail |at| gmail >.
Thanks to Helena’s Sheri Arnell for the photo above and for recording a list of trees seen on the Sligo Woods fall tree walk of 2019.