Last revised: December 11, 2022
Program-meetings are held quarterly, usually comprising both a speaker and matters of civic-association business. Each quarterly meeting includes an opportunity for any Sligo Woods resident to voice a question, concern, or issue relevant to the neighborhood; sometimes there’s a quick answer, sometimes discussion follows immediately, other times the matter is tagged for a future meeting or referred to the Board.
2022 December
First in-person meeting held since March 2020. The meeting was also streamed over Zoom. Past and future SWCA events were discussed, and a presentation was given by Nkosi Yearwood about the University Blvd. Corridor Plan.
2020 March
Scheduled 3/29 meeting cancelled on account of the COVID-19 pandemic: annual meeting (including elections) postponed, ditto the planned presentation by Dr Lauren Hubbard re “Yards that Work Well and Look Great.”
2020 January
Winter Chili Social at the Sligo-Dennis Park Building, 32 residents present.
Business—Snure’s Douglas Grove was elected by acclamation to the open position of At-Large Board Member (16 voting-eligible households present) and an update was given on Tenbrook Traffic Safety.
2019 September
Neighborhood Traffic-Safety— Montgomery County process & Tenbrook-specifics. Presentation by Mr. Devang Dave of the County Department of Transportation; Q&A with discussion, with 20 residents present.
Business: Update on application for tax status 401(4)(c)
2019 June
Pedestrian & Community Safety—a Police Perspective. Presentation by Lt. Oneil Ormsky, Wheaton 4th District Station, Montgomery County Police Department.
Business: election by acclamation of Emily Sudbrink (who resigned her elected position as an At-Large Member in order to serve as Secretary). Appreciation awards given to Street Captains who worked, block by block, to reach Sligo Woods households: 29 captains visited 691 homes; 72 people have paid dues and there are 21 new members, including 12 “new neighbors” (newly moved to Sligo Woods).
2019 March
Beltway Basics [context: proposed expansion of I-495], a presentation by Mr. Chris Conklin, Montgomery County Department of Transportation, with 21 residents present.
Business: Annual meeting with 18 voting households—treasurer’s report accepted, addition of statement of purpose to Bylaws; election of Todd Sleeman as president and Emily Sudbrink as at-large member of the Board.
2019 January
Winter Chili Social at the Sligo-Dennis Park Building, 28 adults & kids taking part.
Business: Elected Sandy Hinman as Vice-president [following the November resignation of Meg DeFrancisco].
2018 September
Neighborhood Trees of Yard and Street, a presentation by Kit Gage of Friends of Sligo Creek, Q&A following with 17 residents present.
Business: Updates on events and projects, including: the renovation of the four Sligo Woods neighborhood signs and plantings at their base, led by Michele Moller; and the efforts and results of the new initiative, Welcome New Neighbors, spearheaded by Mary Moore.
2018 June
School Board Matters [context: upcoming elections to the County Board of Education], a non-political presentation by Tenbrook’s Michele Moller, a veteran PTA activist, including Q&A, with 21 residents present.
Business: Updates, including: a report from Daphne Pee that the planned Green Streets installations have been suspended indefinitely because of budget cuts by the County Executive; a report from the Tenbrook Safety Committee re speed testing (Aileen Schulte, committee lead). New discussion: Airbnbs in our neighborhood.
2018 March
Emergency Preparedness for Home and Community, a presentation by Mr. Joe Corona, Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, with 27 residents present.
Business: Annual meeting with 21 voting households: treasurer’s report accepted and Lashon Lissimore thanked as she concludes 3 years as the Association’s first treasurer; Bylaws amended in several respects, including the addition of 2 at-large positions to the Board [a change made in practice at the 2017 annual meeting]; elections of Meg DeFrancesco as vice-president, Glenn Moller as treasurer, Mary Moore as secretary, and Frank Andruzzi as an at-large member of the Board.
2017 December
Holiday Social, a potluck held at Good Shepherd Church. Informal discussion in lieu of a meeting.
2017 September
Discussion about membership and dues, prompted by the Board’s proposal for clarification: that once a household asks to join, they continue to be members regardless of dues, but that payment of current-year dues is a prerequisite for voting and for standing for election—supported by those present.
Updates: on upcoming events; on repair of the 4 Sligo Woods neighborhood signs, with much appreciation expressed for the dozen neighbors involved thus far; on changes in the number of Green Streets projects, now planning for 86 installations [bioswales, cisterns, tree boxes]; on Tenbrook Safety—that a formal request has been made by the Board to the County. Present were 21 residents.
2017 June
County Police talk and Q&A with Community Services Office Sharif Hidayat, Montgomery County Police, 4th District [Randolph Road station].
Business: Updates and report by Aileen Schulte on May’s on-line survey, to which 64 members responded.
2017 March
Introductions of all 26 people present (21 voting households). Election of Gwen Shinko as secretary and Laura Mol as president. Discussion and agreement to expand the Board to include 2 at-large positions; election to those new positions of Aileen Schulte and Sanjida Rangwala. Implementing and other Bylaws changes anticipated for next year.
2016 October 24
2016 June 20
2016 March 21
2015 December 7
Twenty residents present; reports of treasurer, Environment Committee, and Government Committee; concluding with “a pleasant potluck”
2015 March 30
Thirty residents present. Under the provisional bylaws, election of Ian Swank as president, Joe Fox as VP, Jasmine Kuzner as secretary, Lashon Lissimore as treasurer.
2015 January 26
Convened by the Interim Steering Committee, 58 residents present. Each person introduced her/himself, expressing their priorities for the neighborhood/association. Provisional bylaws presented, outlining Board officer positions and giving a mechanism and procedure for election. Enrollment now stands at 146.