New Leadership Elected for 2022 – 2023

The sixth annual meeting of the Sligo Woods Civic Association was held Thursday evening, July 14, 2022—the first ever by video-conferencing and the first since March 2019. Taking part were 18 member-households (the voting unit; 21 total Zoom participants).

Outgoing president Todd Sleeman presided over the unanimous election of:

President — David Hollibaugh Baker
Vice President — Michele Moller
Treasurer — Sarah Meytin
Secretary — Mary Moore
At-large — Aaron Wasserman
At-large — Romy Adame-Wilson

Half of the new Board (president, treasurer and one at-large member) were elected to “two-year” terms through March 2024, and the other half (VP, secretary, and one at-large member) to “one-year” terms through March 2023.

Outgoing treasurer Glenn Moller presented a financial report showing very low expenditures during the coronavirus hiatus.  As of 3/31/2022, the association had assets of $2,455 and no liabilities.  The new board will establish the budget for the current year.

The Zoom “chat” feature was used for meeting participants to note activities in which they are especially interested, yielding: summer picnic, winter chili cookoff, yard sale, civic association T-shirts, and a program with local principals in attendance.

In closing, special thanks were expressed to the outgoing board members.

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