What does the Board do?

last revised: 2-26-2024 

The most recent board elections were held in July 2022 and March 2023
Results are here for 2022:  New Leadership Elected for 2022 – 2023
Results are here for 2023:  March 8th General Meeting Minutes and Bylaws

There are six members of the Board–an elected group of neighbors, who together provide leadership and tend to the organizational life of the Sligo Woods Civic Association.  Terms are for a two-years, with the understanding that “life happens” and needful resignations are fine; election to consecutive terms is allowed by the Bylaws.  Every year at the Spring annual meeting, three Board members complete their term and retire off, and three continue on for their second year.  The positions are staggered–per the Bylaw–to maximize continuity from year to year.  Current or most recent incumbents are listed in italics, below.

These positions come open at the same time, all 2-year terms beginning April 1st (of…2017, 2019, 2021, 2022-adjusted due to pandemic, 2023, 2025):

      • President –– who leads the Board in its work, presides at the association’s quarterly program-meetings, and handles external communications (county agencies, other civic associations) …… Tenbrook’s Michele Moller
      • Secretary –– who handles official records, especially the Bylaws and minutes of the quarterly meetings, and oversees membership records and election materials ………………………………………. Proctor’s Colleen Kim
      • At-Large Member 1 –– who has an open portfolio (that is, no specific duties) and so offers flexibility in responding to particular needs of the Board’s work.  …………………………………………………….. Gilmoure’s Tim Tawney

These positions are open for election to terms beginning April 1st (of … 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024):

      • Vice-President –– who backs up the President and maintains, on behalf of the Board, regular communication with coordinators of upcoming events and with the various projects currently active…. Vacant
      • Treasurer –– who handles financial transactions and records, keeping the Board apprised and reporting to the annual meeting
        …………………………………………..     Procter’s Sarah Meytin
      • Membership Secretary –– conducts or oversees the maintenance of membership records (database and email-account contacts), working in concert with the Treasurer, the Secretary, and the administrator of the listserv of the Association  ………………………………………………  Calumet’s Romy Adame-Wilson

Most responsibilities of the Board are shared by the Board as a whole –– for example, to decide on programs and activities, to set and manage the budget, and to communicate civic association events to our members and to the wider neighborhood.

What’s it like to be on the Board?  It’s working together, it’s real work, it’s sometimes fun, and it’s often very satisfying.  The style of the board is collaborative, respectful, and flexible about who does what and when—matching individuals’ skills and schedules with what needs doing. Along the way, we get to know (and even become friends with) neighbors we hadn’t known before being on the Board.

Interested in learning more?   We invite you to consider volunteering to stand for election for one of the opening Board positions–and join us in enjoying the very real benefits of Board service.  Email < SligoWoods@gmail.com >, which is the “e-office” of the civic association, and one of the current Board members will reply by email or phone, as you prefer.

If you are considering Board service, the Bylaws have more detail (and in more official language) about the responsibilities of each of the members of the Board (see Article 5), how elections are conducted, and more.