An all-member email sent Friday, March 13, 2020

With the continuing developments with the Covid-19 situation, and following suit of local, state, and national government, the Board has decided to postpone the Sligo Woods quarterly program.  The program, originally scheduled for Thursday, March 26th, we expect will now take place on Thursday, April 30.

As our annual meeting, there is certain business to be taken care of, including voting in new board members for the positions coming open, and approving the budget for the upcoming year.  All board members serving in a vacating position have agreed to stay on until elections can be held.  While the budget still requires approval for the upcoming year, we will continue to pay for items that fall under our normal operating expenses (PO Box, website, etc.).  Think of it like the continue resolutions that we are all too familiar with; we honor existing commitments without taking on any new ones.

All of us will experience some difficulties in the upcoming weeks: physical, mental, emotional, and financial.  Some will be staying home from work, some will be working more (and under adverse conditions); some will be taking care of ill family members; some will not be able to visit friends or families; some will lose income because of business closures.

The neighborhood has an established communication mechanism.  Official info is emailed to all members who have provided an e-mail address.  Postings and replies and e-discussions among members are possible via the listserv–a googlegroups arrangement.  If you are not on the listserv but now want to sign up, just email the civic association’s e-office and ask for info to be sent to you so you may join.  Make use of these resources.

There has been a lot of talk of ‘social distancing’.  I don’t care for the term.  I feel a more appropriate term is ‘physical distancing’.  The primary way to avoid contracting (and spreading) the virus is to not be around someone who has it.  It stands to reason that if we can minimize close contact with other people, the odds go down that we will run into someone who has the virus.  We, as families, neighbors, and a community, can certainly remain social and remain safe.

Our community has held some great events: The Winter Social, the Summer Picnic, the Halloween Parade, and many great quarterly programs.  We’ve put faces to names, met new people, learned about our local community (and eaten some really good food).  Let’s keep this momentum going.

Wave to someone (everyone) when you’re out walking; check in with people by phone or e-mail; see if a neighbor needs some extra help in these trying times.   Find other ways to keep the community spirit strong.  Virtual book club, recipe swaps, online meeting software to host a cocktail party (and you don’t need to clean the house!).  These are just a few ideas.

Be patient with people and show a little extra consideration, especially when it’s the hardest; we’re all stressed about this and may not be at our best.  A little extra kindness or a thoughtful gesture goes a long way.

Todd Sleeman, President
Sligo Woods Civic Association


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