Winter chili main course–with a side of business–on January 12th, starting at 6:30 p.m.

Come eat, come talk!  Some of the eating will be chili, some will be other dishes.  Some of the talking will be with neighbors sitting at the same table, some will be afterwards–for those who can stay for a bit of business.  We will vote on a nomination to fill an at-large Board position, as well as discuss project ideas for 2020.

What a congenial way to have Sunday supper!  Bring a dish, if you can (or just your appetite, if you can’t).  Serious planners can coordinate with others via a sign-up here.  If you can bring a mug/cup for your own use, we’ll lessen our landfill.

The civic association sponsors this event, which is open to anyone who lives in the Sligo Woods neighborhood.  All are welcome.   Questions?  Email < >

Sunday, January 12th, starting at 6:30 PM
Sligo-Dennis Park Building
10200 Sligo Creek Parkway

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